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Monday, April 11, 2011

standerized testing

sorry about my last post I was in a rush and it was very unfunny , but im sure you guys didnt care. So today was the first day of standerized testing. Its not like they are hard but they are just so BORING. I mean 3/4s of the time I was just staring at the girls next to me. Do I here some of you calling me a stalker? ya.....thats what I thought.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Them: Have you ever been to COMMA Red wood forrest COMMA  the natinol park?
me: no

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Time O.o

Yesterday I was getting a lil bit confused about time travel (wow im am like so not a nerd). And I was like "dude if you go back and mess up time were your not born, you would not exist but then you could not go back in time and mess it up THIS IS LIKE BANANAS AND CHEESE . It makes me SO confuzled.:/